Bloodhag - Alfred Bester


$50 winner, S.F. contest proved Alfred Bester better than the rest
A few more stories pseudo-science non-stop
Like the plot of the Bester book you couldn't drop!
Wrote comics & radio on an 8 years break
'Til commercial TV proved more than he could take
He wrote... The Green Lantern Oath!
He Knew... What the Shadow knows!
When Campbell fell under L. Ron's spell
Alfred said, "You can fuckin' go to hell!"
Bloodhag think and drink to him still
Left his estate to his bartender in his will
Man is not slave to science. Science slaves for a man's mind
When that man unwinds- that's when Alfred Bester writes!
The Demolished Man!
The Stars My Destination!
Fondly Farenheit!