Chastity Brown - If You Let Me


Lord if you let me
Live one more day
I?ll go and I?ll do what I never did
Send out my love
To all of my friends
Oh lord if you let me, I?ll make amends

And lord if you let me
I?ll call cousin George
And thank him, letting me crash there
When I was on the road
And I?ll tell him our blood
Is purer than gold
Oh lord if ya let me I?ll call cousin George

And lord if ya let me
I?ll go see my mom
She?s there with my brother, her only son
And I?ll tell her I?m grateful for all that she done
Oh lord if ya let me I?ll go see my mom

And lord if ya let me
I?ll sing one last song
Till my hands are all bleeding, and my voice is all gone
And I?ll sing out my heart to this one last tune
Oh lord if you let me
I?ll sing them the blues